A Sonnet |
E sonett |
dedicated to N. Gonner and N.E. Becker
So let united here us understand
The value of our native land,
Throughout the world as men of freedom and
In songs our love pledge we present.
We may be scattered all throughout the world,
Our hearts are bound by a strong bond,
In foreign lands our thoughts of home unfurled,
To liberty our minds respond.
To speak our mother tongue in foreign land
For us is national duty taught,
And hand in hand united here we stand
For Luxembourg and for our God,
We're proudly Luxembourgers till the end
And everyone's a patriot.
un de N. Gonner an un den N. E. Becker
'Só lôszt ons hei ferênecht och erkennen
De wèrt fum klengen hêmechslant,
Als freihêtskanner gi mer allenennen
Ons lëft am litt zóm énnerpant.
Wë weit mer an der welt ons émmer trennen,
Ons hèrzer bénnt e stârke bant,
D'erénn'ronk fun dohêm kann d'frèmt nét blennen,
Ons bleift de freihêtsgêscht entbrannt.
Ons hêmechssprôch och an der frèmt z'erhèwen
Sèf ons e nationalgebott,
An d'henn gi mîr ons gèr als frénn zum strèwen.
Trei Létzebûrch an onsem Gott
Gi mîr als hêmechtskanner fró dûrch d'lèwen,
'T as jidderên e patriott.
A Stormy Sea |
E stûrm um mèr |
Just sky there and water, all ways
You can gaze,
It flows, it crashes round the ship,
It howls, it boils, a storming whip,
And mount'nous waves are dashing round it,
Crashing on it.
The ship sways
All ways,
Up, down,
Strives on.
Through night and through clouds in the sky
No star on high.
A bitter tear wells up or two,
No smiling face to see us through,
And all around are cries and fear
And bleak despair.
The ship sways
All ways,
Up, down,
Strives on.
The stormwind rages and howls,
And it growls,
We lift to the Lord our eyes and heart,
We send our prayers heavenward,
Hear us, dear Lord, we beg you so
In our woe.
The ship sways
All ways,
Up, down,
Strives on.
We were in the waves' crashing foam
Not alone.
He guards us all, he guides us all,
He steered our ship through danger tall,
Against mad sea, against the wind
To dry land.
God guides,
We decide,
And alive
We strive.
Blós himmel a wâszer 'só weit
Mer geseit,
Em d'schéff ét rennt, ét rauscht, ét zët,
Et hault, ét scheimt, ét stîrmt, ét schlët,
A bèrchhëch wâlen ém ét jôen,
D'schéff schwenkt,
Et senkt,
Et hèft,
Et strèft.
Dûrch d'nuocht an dûrch d'wolken op d'mèr
Blénkt nét e stèr;
Wë muonech â esó batter trënt,
Kê fróe bléck wénkt him entgënt,
A ronderém e kreisch'n, e klôen,
E ferzôen.
D'schéff schwenkt,
Et senkt,
Et hèft,
Et strèft.
De stûrmwant heilt, an e rauscht,
An en dauscht,
A mîr erhèwen d'âen an d'hèrz,
Mer bèden, blécken himmelwèrz:
Du wêrs, o Hêrr, ons dach beistôen
Dë mer klôen.
D'schéff schwenkt,
Et senkt,
Et hèft,
Et strèft.
Mîr wôren am wâlegerôs
Nét ferlôsz.
Dên ons bewâcht, dên ons beglêt,
Huot dûrch d'gefôr onst schéff gelêt,
Trotz bëser së, trotz stûrm a want
Bis un d'lant.
Gott lenkt,
Mer denkt,
A lèft,
A strèft.
That's How It Is |
Esó as dât |
We travelled forth from our home
And with the few things we possess
We set to work, did not long roam
And work pays off, that's how it is.
La, la, alee, ala,
Beautiful America!
America is now our home,
A house of wood we built for us
Upon a spot we call our own,
We feel secure, that's how it is.
La, la, alee, ala,
Beautiful America!
We work as farmers, sweaty necks,
We cultivate much land like this,
The woods, they make room for our axe,
And then we plow, that's how it is.
La, la, alee, ala,
Beautiful America!
The cock crows – quick, get up, get up,
We soon set out in happy bliss,
We work with joy and only stop,
At nightfall, yes, that's how it is.
La, la, alee, ala,
Beautiful America!
We love to drink a pleasant drop,
About the Moselle we reminisce,
The ciderbarrel fills the cup
To quench the thirst, that's how it is.
La, la, alee, ala,
Beautiful America!
Down here no farmer's destitute,
The town provides, nothing's amiss,
And year for year, some money's put
Into the bank, that's how it is.
La, la, alee, ala,
Beautiful America!
Fort fun dôhêm, se mer gezun,
A matt dem wën'ge wât mer hât,
Dô fóng mer hei ze schaffen un,
An d'ârbecht wénnt, esó as dât.
Lâ, lâ, eli, elâ,
Du schënt Amérika!
Amérika as d'hêmecht nun,
Wó mîr onst pletzchen ons besât,
An d'brèderhaus erbaut ons hun,
Dô se mer wuol, esó as dât.
Lâ lâ, eli, elâ,
Du schënt Amérika!
Mîr fârmer schaffen a mîr dun,
Dûrch ons gét d'lant all opgemât,
As f'run der achst de bésch geflun,
Da gét geplót, esó as dât.
Lâ, lâ, eli, elâ,
Du schënt Amérika!
A krënt den hunn, hop an derfun,
'T gét alles dann ant wèr gesât,
An d'ârbecht gêt matt frêt ferun
Bis owens spët, esó as dât.
Lâ, lâ, eli, elâ,
Du schënt Amérika!
Et gét nach gèr um glâs gesun,
A fun der Musel d'schënst geschwât,
Mer schlët an d'ceiderfâsz de krunn,
An drénkt séch sât, esó as dât.
Lâ, lâ, eli, elâ,
Du schënt Amérika!
Hei as kê bauer îweldrun,
Wât hèn nét huot, as an der stât,
Nô etlech jô'r se gélde sû'n
Op d'seit gemât, esó as dât.
Lâ, lâ, eli, elâ,
Du schënt Amérika!
Home! Back home! |
Hêm! erém hêm! |
In tiny Luxembourg, our land
Stands cozily among the trees
A cottage snug, in which I spent
A happy childhood, free, at ease.
I played within my parents' sight,
I dreamt a happy child's sweet dream.
I keep these memories with delight
Though lost they are in time's deep stream.
To see once more this woody dale,
Like paradise so sunny bright,
Where dew creates a flowery vale,
It blossoms red and blue and white.
I'd pick the flowers and I'd start
To sing along a bird's sweet song,
We praise the land, because my heart
For Luxembourg beats always strong.
We love our country, home we yearn,
On foreign soil we understand
And thinking back we finally learn
How much we love this tiny land.
No matter where I walk or stand
With tearful eyes my home I see,
The plains, the wood, the hilly land,
My country, where I long to be.
When mum and dad had died on me
I was a poor and desperate man,
I left my home, the world to see
But memory drives me back again.
Back home, back home, I need to go
From whence I set out foolish, brave,
Back home, back home, where friends I know,
To see again my parents' grave.
There's naught can keep me far from you,
Back home, back home, across the sea,
Back to my land, to joy so true,
That's all I want, my only plea.
Then on my parents' grave I weep
And to old friends I say goodbye,
Then in the cottage I will sleep
In my dear valley gladly die.
Am klenge Létzebûrgerlant
Stêt hêmlech zwéschen âle bêm
E klînzecht haus, wó éch als kant
'Só fró a glécklech wôr dohêm.
Wó éch ém papp a mamm gespîlt
A lëwe, schëne kannerdrêm;
Dem kann, dêm bleift d'erénn'ronksbîlt
Jêt zeit ons och fort fun dohêm.
Wêr éch am dall, emkrenzt fum bésch,
Ech wîr a méngem paradeis,
Wó aus dem dâ eng blimche frésch
Erblët, dë rót, dë blô, dë weisz.
Ech pléckt se of, éch sangen dët
Mam fîlchen op dem blummereis,
Dem lant, dêm d'hèrz an d'lëft zóschlët,
Dem Létzebûrgerlant zum preis.
Onst hèrz zum lant, ons hêmechtslëft
Mîr an der frèmt erëscht ferstin,
An am ferlângen duor ferdëft
Nach méng gedanke sin a gin.
An d'hêmechslant, op wê a pât,
A ménger trën éch ét gesinn,
Matt wîs a bésch, an duorf a stât,
O nô dem lant wéll éch 'rém hin.
Wë papp a mamm gestuorwe wôr'n,
Wôr éch en âr'm ferlôszene jong,
Ech góng an d'welt, nô fille jôr'n
Dreift méch nun hêm d'erénnerong.
Musz hêm, erém hêm, an dât geschwénn,
Fun dô éch 'wë gedrîwe góng,
Wéll hêm, erém hêm, zó âle frénn,
Op d'eltregrâf, wó jonk éch stóng.
T hellt neischt më an der frèmt méch zréck;
Hêm, erém hêm, erém îwer d'mèr
Zó méngem lant, zó méngem gléck,
Dât as mein ênzege begèr! –
Hun éch um eltregrâf gekrascht,
Méng frénn gesinn, dë nach dohèr
Am dall, am heis-chen hun éch rascht,
Ech stèrwen dann fun hèrze gèr.
The Happy Traveller |
Loscht fer ze rêsen |
We travel through life and we head
Eternitybound every day,
Some good roads lead there and some bad
And each of us goes on our way.
We travel round,
Our smile profound,
Rest's never found,
The heart always beats in our breast
Like seconds beat through every hour,
The Earth turns each day without rest
And dances each year round its star.
We travel round ...
There's fun and there's trouble for all,
Time drives us through pleasure and woes,
Through spring and through summer to fall,
Till winter brings life to a close.
We travel round ...
In destiny's stride we all tread,
Not knowing wherefrom nor whereto,
With cash you get faster ahead,
But poor men will reach their goal too.
We travel round ...
Like clouds travel forth in the sky,
Impelled by the storm and the gale,
When birds are migrating, they fly
With glee to an foreign new dale.
We travel round ...
You'll see, if you just look about,
All people, they travel in haste,
Some come while some others set out,
Serenity reigns in no place.
We travel round ...
I pined for the faraway shore,
A staff in my hand I set out,
I'm trav'ling the world evermore,
As travel's what life is about.
We travel round ...
Through many a land I have passed,
Long years I've been far from my home,
My Luxembourg – home till the last,
Too far from your side did I roam.
The moment's here,
The first step near,
Back to my dear
Homeland I steer.
Pursuit of one's happiness is
Why you travel through meadows in rain,
Whether fate deals out blows or a kiss,
In time you strive homewards again.
Each land we've known
Just makes us moan,
Towards our home
We travellers roam.
Mîr rêsen dûrch d'lèwen a sin
Fîr d'ëwechkêt hei op der rês;
'T gi' schlecht a gutt wêen dohin,
Mâ jidderê gêt sénges wês.
Rêst émmerzó,
Rêst émmer fró,
An óne ró
Der ëwechkêt zó.
Wë d'hèrz émmer weiderfort schlët,
'Só schlët och dûrch stonnen d'secont,
'Wë dêg'lech d'èrtklatz séch drët,
Danzt jêrlech ém d'sonn se hîr ront.
Rêst émmerzó, etc.
Mîr trèden op spâsz an op èrscht,
D'zeit jêt ons dûrch loscht an dûrch lêt,
Dûrch frëjôr, dûrch summer zum hèrscht,
Bis d'lèwe mam wanter fergêt.
Rêst émmerzó etc.
All gi' mer mam schicksal am schréck,
Mîr wésse wóhèr nét, wóhin,
Mécht d'rêsgelt och muoncher ê fléck,
Mat wënegem kénnt mer dohin.
Rêst émmerzó etc.
Wë d'wolken douowe fortzë'n,
Gedrîwe fum stîrmende want,
Wann d'fillercher léschtech fortflë'n,
Hîr rês, dë gêt an d'frèmt lant.
Rêst émmerzó etc.
A wât mer och hei ka gesinn,
Wéllt weiderfort, weider matt eil,
Eng kommen, dë âner dë gin,
'T as nîrgens hei nîrgens dô weil.
Rêst émmerzó etc.
Méch zóg ét an d'frèmt matt gewalt,
De rêsstâf hè góf èch geholl,
Ech rêsen dûrch d'welt óne halt,
Well émmer mer rêsen jô soll.
Rêst émmerzó etc.
Fill lenner, dë rêsen éch dûrch,
Sé weit fun dohêm, a scho lâng,
Méng hêmecht, lëft Létzebûrch,
Ech sén dach ze weit fun der gâng.
Ként den abléck
Zum ëschte schréck
An d'hêmecht zréck,
Da blët mer mei gléck.
Mer rêst jô fer d'gléck séch z'erjô'n
Dûrch wîsen, dûrch steng, dë am rê,
Dach wë ét och émmer mâch gô'n,
Fer hêm erém sicht mer de wê.
Nên, nîrgentwó
Huot mer da rô,
Der hêmecht fró
Der rêse mer zó.
Abandoned Child |
D'ferlôszent kant |
From deepest sleep I just awoke,
No happy dream filled me with glee,
And now a brand new day here broke,
Which with new worries troubles me.
My father dear, you are long dead,
Your child so poor must live in dread.
A bird sings happily and gay
Upon a fragant rosebush's brim,
While mother brings the food each day,
She keeps all trouble away from him.
My father dear ...
But I'm a poor child full of woe,
Abandoned, lonely, all alone,
My mother, who should love me so
Abandoned me. – Oh, she is gone.
My father dear ...
Wish I were like this bird so gay,
I would no pain, no worries know,
But all alone I walk my way
And strangers hear my tale of woe.
My father dear ...
Wish I could happy be and gay,
But pain and misery are nigh,
And when I see the children play
I cannot help but sob and cry.
My father dear ...
When night falls, every bird's asleep,
Their mothers keep them warm and safe,
While I of sorrow had to weep,
No worry galled their happy day.
My father dear ...
No one has offered shelter me,
I'm walking still the windy road,
Have just my pain for company,
Oh, God! Don't leave me with this load.
My father dear ...
I'm cold and hungry, I despair,
My home acknowledges me not,
You happy people do not spare
For this poor child a single thought.
My father dear ...
Here in his grave my father sleeps,
Upon that site I cry and pray,
Forgive my mother, God, I weep,
And take me to my dad today.
My mother left me in my dread,
She may well find her child here dead.
Fum dëwe schlôf sén éch erwâch',
Kê schënen drâm huot méch begléckt,
A nun erschéngt de neien dâch,
Dê méch matt neie suorgen dréckt.
Mei gudde papp, du bas lâng dót,
Dein âremt kant lèft an der nót.
Wë fró de jonge fîlche séngt,
Dê séch um róseneschtche wët,
Séng mamm, dë him séng nârong bréngt,
Sî as ét, dë séng suorgen drët.
Mei gudde papp etc.
Ech âremt kant si suorgefoll,
Ech si ferlôsz, si ganz eleng,
Méng mamm, dë méch dach lëwe soll,
Huot méch ferlôsz. – O, éch hu keng.
Mei gudde papp etc.
Wann éch och 'wë de fîlche wèr,
Gëf éch kê lêt, keng suorch ferstôn,
Dach ganz ferlôsz gin éch dohèr
De frème leit méng nót ze klôn.
Mei gudde papp etc.
Wë ként éch fró a frêdech sin,
Mâ méch dréckt émmer kreiz a lêt;
A wann éch d'kanner fró gesinn,
Dât as ét, wât méch kreischen dêt.
Mei gudde papp etc.
'T as nuocht a jidde fîlche schlëft,
Seng mamm wèrmt hèn am wârmen ascht,
Keng suorch huot him den dâch gedrëft,
Wó éch geklôt, dên éch dûrchkrascht.
Mei gudde papp etc.
Nach stin éch op der kâler strôsz,
'T as kên, dê mîr en opdâch gét;
De schmèrze sén éch îwerlôsz,
O Gott! ferlôsz du méch dach nét.
Mei gudde papp etc.
Ech sén 'só hongrech, kâl a mitt,
Méng hêmecht huot méch nét erkant,
O dîr, dë all 'só glécklech sitt,
Dîr denkt nét un dât èremst kant.
Mei gudde papp etc.
Mei papp, dê schlëft am grâf elei,
Ech kreische, bèden haut nach drop,
O Gott, dach ménger mamm ferzei,
A bei mei papp huol méch dann op.
Hei lëszt méng mamm méch an der nót,
Hei fént se fleicht hirt kéntchen dót.
Who Deserves Respect? |
Wèn as uochtonk wèrt? |
He whose hands are ever engaged,
And who seeks what's true and right,
Who lives from his own work's wage,
Not from other people's plight.
He who scorns pride's haughty sneer,
Who does not pretend or act,
Idle riches won't revere,
Yes, this man deserves respect.
He who doesn't stoop to taunts,
Who takes care of his affairs,
Has a heart for poor men's wants,
No complaints makes, nor despairs.
He who scorns bad company,
Gives to each his due in fact,
And will keep his word, you see,
That this man deserves respect.
Who will gladly give his life
For his God and liberty,
Who in good times or in strife
Won't be reckless, nor will flee.
When his life comes to an end
Pain will cease its grim effect,
Friends upon his grave will stand.
Dêm séng henn am dâch nét ró'n,
Dên nô recht a wórecht strèft,
Dê fu séngem ârbechslón,
Nét fum schwêsz fun ân're lèft;
Wèn de stolz gemeng feruocht,
Dé kê falsche nuom begèrt,
Nét nô glanz a reichtom truocht,
Dése mann as uochtonk wèrt.
Dê gedéllech spott erdrët,
Stéts besuorgt as fir sei stôt,
Kengem ménschen séch entzët,
Kêmôl klôt a nét ferzôt,
Nét zó schlechte séch gesellt,
Jiddem gét, wât him gebîrt,
Dê sei wûrt bestennech hellt,
Dése mann as uochtonk wèrt.
Dé fir d'freihêt d'lèwe gét,
Dé fir d'gettlech wórecht streitt,
Dên am gléck am onggléck nét
Angscht an îwermutt geheitt.
As gedôn sei lèwenslâf
Foller më op déser èrt,
Bèt e muoncher op dem grâf,
'Well séng ró as uochtonk wèrt.
Contentment of the Luxemburger in America |
Zefriddenhêt fum létzebûrger an Amérika |
When my eyes grow tired
And the work is done
I am well contented
Sing a song, have fun.
What my hands are earning
Is enough for me,
So we are not yearning
For yet more, you see.
I love to sit together
With some dear old friend,
There the news I gather
And I'm well content.
Each one tells a story
From our native land,
We sing songs of glory
Of the native brand.
Wealth I'm not pursuing,
Have no pain or need,
Gold is man's undoing,
A common vice is greed.
Discontented striving
Drives them on and on,
Meanwhile I am living
Happy like no one.
When I close my eyes and
Dream a dream so deep,
In the sky the stars stand
Guard upon my sleep.
I don't mind to follow
Where the starlets stand,
From their heav'nly hollow
See my native land.
't will not be forever
When we say farewell,
Ties we often sever
While on earth we dwell.
By God we are protected
If tired of life are we,
For we are contented
In eternity.
Wa méng â'n ermidden,
D'ârbecht as geschitt,
Sén éch wuol zefridden,
Sange fró mei litt.
Wât méng henn ferdéngen,
Lângt fîr ons dohêm,
Brauch nét më ze bréngen,
'T as genuch matt dêm.
O wë gère róen
Ech bei ménge frénn,
Hu gemittlech fróen
A gemutte sénn.
Dô wêsz dach ejidder
Aus der hêmecht neis,
A mer sangen d'lidder
Op ons hêmechsweis.
'T bleift mer neischt ze wénschen,
'T plôt mer neischt de gêscht,
D'golt ferblénnt de ménschen,
D'golt as fillen d'mêscht.
Onzefridde strèwen
S'émmer nach nô më;
Mâ zefridde lèwen,
Glécklech éch, a wë.
Wann séch d'lidder senken
Dëf op d'â'n erôf,
G'sin éch d'stère wénken
Dûrch den drâm erôf.
An éch folge gèren,
Duor wó d'stère sin,
Ech kann aus de stèren
D'hêmecht da gesinn.
Se mer och geschidden,
'T as fer ëwech nét,
Schêden din heinidden
Mîr bei schréck an trétt.
Gott wéll ons behidden,
Wuor ons d'lèwe lêt,
Well mer sén zefridden
Bis an d'ëwechkêt.
The Miner |
De bèrchmann |
Dedicated to the miners of Rumelange and Esch.
To the tune of Auf ihr Brüder, lasst uns wallen!
When the night makes room for sunrise
In the dale beyond the hills
Coyly hide the stars their bright eyes
Where the sun its daylight spills,
Then a trail of lights is creeping
Over hills and through the trees
To the rocks in darkness sleeping
In the mine's deep galleries.
It's the miner who is leaving
Ere the sun has chased the moon,
Hope within his chest is heaving
As he sings a merry tune:
Nothing beats a miner's living
Full of hardship, yes, but more,
Satisfaction it is giving
As we mine the min'ral ore.
Welcome daybreak, fresh and brilliant,
Wonder what you have in store,
Hope that I will be resilient,
God's sweet mercy I implore.
Many workers I remember
Who set out one day, in hope,
Bravely through the hills they clambered
Dead were carried down the slope.
Ghastly rocks are all around him,
Like a star his lamp does shine,
Dreadful dangers are abounding
As he works inside the mine.
Deep into the rocks he's boring,
Thudding bangs through endless night!
Looking forward to be soaring
With his booty to the light.
God protect you in your dreary
Endless miner's night, be blessed,
When your busy hands grow weary
He will give you blissful rest!
At the end of day, survivor,
Your best song you're singing proud:
Miner's luck and strength I strive for
Till my lamp is flick'ring out.
De bèrchleit fu Rémléngen an Esch zóerkannt.
Op d'weis Auf ihr Brueder, laszt uns wallen!
Wa fum dall doîwer d'koppen,
D'nuocht fer'm dâch 'só schnell entweicht,
Hêmlech d'stère séch ferstoppen,
Wó de sonnestrâl hîstreicht,
Gêt e lemperchesgefonkel
Luos de bèrechpètchen hin
Zó de fèlzen, nô dem donkel
Fun den dëwe galleri'n.
'T as de bèrchmann, dê musz schêden,
Kaum nach, dasz der dâch erschéngt;
Frésche mutt a stèrkt beglêden
Hèn dohin, dê frêdech séngt:
'T gêt neischt îwer d'bèrchmannslèwen,
'T as wuol hârt, mâ 't stèreckt d'hèrz,
Matt zefriddenhêt zum strèwen
Brèchen sî dât schwëert èrz.
Wéllkomm bas de klôre muorgen,
Hells dem bèrchmann du nach wuol
Drëwes dëf fer haut ferbuorgen,
Sëf éch méngem Gott emfól.
Muonech onsrer komerôten,
Dë nach muorgens hoffnonksfoll
Séch nach an de bèrech wôten,
Hu mer dót eraus geholl.
Greilech fèlzen hèn émnuochten,
D'lempche wë e stèr em schéngt,
D'ûorch gefôr belauert d'truochten,
Fîr datt hèn séch fill ferdéngt.
Hëert 'n an de fèlze buoren,
Domp de knall an dëwe geng!
Kuckt e fró dem dâch zófuoren
Matt gewon'nen eisesteng.
Gott well bèrchmann déch behidden,
Agefuor a bèrchmanns nuocht,
Wann déng fleiszech henn ermidden,
Sëf eng róech nuocht dîr bruocht!
Kéns du dann erof fum bèrech,
Sang du hell dein allerbescht:
Bèrchsmannsgléck a krâft begèr éch,
Bis méng lempche mîr ferlescht.